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Stylish shoes with a boost! Get some insoles if you want that added touch to your height though, I’m 5”8 without them and about 5”11 with them and the insoles I use. Now maybe not good to run in but if you want to wear them everyday they’re perfect. Customer service has been amazing to me every step.
At first I thought the shoes were gonna feel uncomfortable wearing them for a long period, but it actually feels pretty decent for casual wear. It might take a few to getting used to but it does the job in increasing your height and you actually feel taller. I wouldn't recommend using these as replacements for running shoes or a... Ver más
I received these and the feel great and boost the height significantly. I swapped mine out with some more formal ones but the shoes are great
This product changed my life, I used to be super insecure about my height and micro-penis, but this really fixed the issue up. Put them on your feet and increase your vertical by 3 inches, or put it on your willy and increase your horizontal a massive 3 inches. Saved my marriage, and now my wife only cheats on me with peo... Ver más
Good quality kicks. I bought 2 pairs.